Privacy Policy

This policy applies to all processing of personal data carried out by MAKEDA SNFOOD and aims to inform the user about the way in which MAKEDA SNFOOD processes personal data and about the user's rights in relation to his personal data.

The user may establish direct communication with M AKEDA SNFOOD in writing by sending a communication to the address indicated or by sending an email to the address:

In accordance with current regulations on the protection of personal data, in particular:

  • Canadian Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL) and Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA).

M AKEDA SNFOOD collects personal data in its possession when the user:

  • Fill out the forms on our website;
  • Subscribe to the newsletter;
  • Send an email or communicate by phone, which is then loaded into the corresponding forms;

The following data is collected: full name, email, phone number, address, credit information.

As a general rule, when personal data is required to use a service or access certain content, its provision will not be mandatory, except in cases where it is specifically indicated that it is data required for the provision of the service. In this case, the user can freely choose not to register and/or not to contract the services.

The user declares and guarantees that all data provided by him are true and accurate and undertakes to update them.

Any false or inaccurate statements resulting from the information and data provided, as well as any damages that such information may cause, will be the responsibility of the user.

The personal data requested from the user will be used for the following purposes:

  • To provide our Service and respond to your requests. We use your information to provide and maintain our Service, to process and respond to your requests, to communicate with you about your use of our Service or changes to our Service, to respond to your requests, and for other customer service and business administration purposes.
  • Identification and Authentication Purposes. We may use your information for identification and authentication purposes.
  • Personalization. We use your information to tailor the content and information that we may send or display to you, to provide location customization, personalized help and instructions, and to otherwise personalize your experience while using the Service.
  • For marketing and promotional purposes.
  • Research and reporting.
  • Combining Information. We (and our third party business partners on our behalf) may merge, mix or otherwise combine information, including your personal information, in pursuit of the purposes described above.
  • Comply with legal obligations.
  • To protect ourselves and others.

The data subject to processing will not be used for purposes other than those mentioned above and which motivated their collection. Notwithstanding the foregoing, it is specified that the recorded data may be used, in addition to the purposes for which they were expressly collected, for statistical purposes, incident management or market research. However, in the event of processing of personal data for purposes other than those initially specified when collecting such data, a compatibility analysis will be carried out by MAKEDA SNFOOD in accordance with the applicable regulations.

We will use the information we collect about you for the following purposes:

  • Administration information
  • Creating user accounts
  • Testimonials
  • Collecting customer feedback
  • Customer order management
  • Support
  • Targeted advertising
  • Administration information
  • Site Protection
  • Dispute Resolution
  • User Account Management
  • Payment Processing: Square

If we want to use your information for other purposes, we will ask for your consent and will only use your information where you have given your consent and only for the purpose for which you have given your consent, unless we are required to do otherwise by law.

We will retain your personal information with us for 60 months after user accounts are no longer active or for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes for which it was collected as set out in this Privacy Policy.

By providing personal data to MAKEDA SNFOOD, the user declares to accept their processing fully and without reservation by MAKEDA SNFOOD. The user hereby grants his free consent to MAKEDA SNFOOD to use the collected data for the purposes indicated in the section above, as well as their incorporation into the MAKEDA SNFOOD database.

The user's personal data collected by MAKEDA SNFOOD will not be transferred, sold, exchanged, transmitted and/or communicated to third parties outside the MAKEDA SNFOOD website without the user's consent, except legal obligation and/or for the purpose of providing services to the user.

Social networks. MAKEDA SNFOOD also uses social networks, such as Facebook or Instagram, and has integrated functions of these networks into its services. The user may only use these social networks to the extent that he is registered and has accessed the corresponding social network with his user.

The deletion of certain data will not be carried out when it could cause damage to the rights or legitimate interests of third parties, or when there is a legal obligation to retain the data.

The use of the site by the user implies knowledge and full approval of the MAKEDA SNFOOD privacy policy and the general conditions, if any. Likewise, the user accepts the MAKEDA SNFOOD privacy policy and the MAKEDA SNFOOD general conditions by completing the service request.

MAKEDA may at any time modify this privacy policy and without prior notice. These modifications will be operational from their publication on the site or when they are communicated to users by any means, whichever occurs first. The user must keep himself informed of the terms included herein by entering periodically.